Tyler Arboretum encompasses 650 acres of plant collections, heritage and
champion trees, historic buildings and 17 miles of hiking trails.
RAS worked with Philadelphia architects DIGSAU to develop the new Edible
Garden and Education Building, in close collaboration with arboretum staff
and supporters. Visitors of all ages discover creative ways to grow fruits and
vegetables using sustainable and organic methods. In the first growing season,
the Edible Gardens’ volunteer gardeners generated over 1,000 lbs. of produce
for the local food bank.
A hands-on growing space for children is centrally located and home to programs such as “Little Chefs”. Plantings for bird and insect pollinators illustrate important connections between home gardening and the natural world. The new garden will showcase stormwater best management practices at a residential scale with permeable paving options and a rain garden. In the heart of the garden, the Education Building provides a flexible classroom space, kitchen, and restrooms.